Editorial Policy

The content we create is all original content. All subject topics are formulated by our team at Pool-Tools. Our content could be linked to other trustworthy sources, including Pool experts and other authority websites. Each original piece of content is reviewed by our editorial team. The content will be created according to the Original Content Process and no third-party will have any influence over the content.

If they request it third parties can request the acknowledgement [“About The Author”in the editorial material we publish. The attribution does not intend to reflect any changes to the nature of the editorial content. Every article that is completed being published gets reviewed and approved by Pool-Tools. The article is then evaluated through an Editorial editor who revises it for flow, style punctuation, readability, and flow. 

The article then moves from editing to publishing on the website. Pool-tools can release sponsored content when it is it is deemed appropriate. We will only publish content that is in line with the content of our website.