How To Straighten a Pool Cue?

There are many causes that the cue stick may have warped. No matter what the reason is, it is still possible to go back and attempt to repair the bent cue. A cue that is bent is ineffective. It will strike the cue ball in places that you’re not trying to hit. Simple tools such as Jacoby shaft adjustment tool could assist you in straightening a distorted cue for pool. Each method comes with risk of further harm to the cue.

Also Read: How High to Mount A Pool Cue Stick?

Before you attempt one of these methods keep in mind that you’re performing them entirely at risk. Before you begin the process of straightening the cue, make sure you’re certain you are sure that the cue isn’t warped.

How to Determine If the Cue is Straight or Not?

Before proceeding with the steps of straightening the ue, it is important to determine if it require such adjustments:

While there are numerous methods to determine how straight a ball is “sighting” the cue remains the most effective method and, consequently, the most well-known. To ‘sight the shaft it is necessary raise it up and hold it at eye level. Keep holding the butt of the cue steady and with a firm grip, and then gaze downwards towards the shaft’s edge.

Also Read: How To Restore A Pool Cue?

Looking at the bottom of the pool stick towards the tip is similar to shooting with an aiming rifle. Then, lower the cue slightly and rotate it to an angle of 360° very slowly. Then, continue looking downwards from the butt end. If the tip of the cue is clearly visible throughout the entire process and you don’t see any warping or twisting, you’re able to say it’s perfectly straight.

Another effective method of ensuring that the cue in the pool is straight is to put its butt on the floor and place its point in the middle of the flooring. Then, tilt the shaft by 60@ with the floor. Turn the stick over on its pointed end little by little and observe the top of the shaft from the butt side.

Look for any distortion or distortion as you look down. If you notice any signs of warping in an area, you may conclude that you’re looking at an unbalanced signal. Be sure that the area in which you’re performing the test is completely lit up, otherwise, you might not be able to detect any unusuality.

Methods To Straighten A bent Cue

Here are the prominent methods of straightening any bent cue:

Shaft Adjustment Tool

This little tool can aid you in applying the cue’s force effectively. It is essential to identify what part of the stick has been bent. To determine this, move the stick across the surface and observe the moment when it is at the most high point from the surface.

Also Read: Are Pool Cue Shafts Interchangeable?

This is at which the stick is been bent. Put the end that is bent at the tip of the stick on the table. Hold the other end of the shaft in your hand. Then, slide the Jacoby adjustment tool gently over the region that you have noticed the greatest separation between tabletop and your cue.

Repeat the procedure until you can see that there is only the minimum distance between the cue and the ground it is moving on. It is essential to be gentle and cautious with your Jacoby tools for shaft adjustments. If you use more force then it could break the wood or break wood. In the wrong hands, it could render the cue ineffective.

Even if you’re in a position to straighten the cue, it is recommended to consider burning the shaft right now. Since the protective layer above of wood could be already been damaged.

Apply Force Yourself

If you don’t own the Jacoby tool, you can try applying the force to the bent portion using your hands. Be cautious when using this method since it could break the shaft into two pieces. It is necessary to follow the same technique for rolling your cue in order to determine which part is bent most.

The benefit of this technique is that the outer protective part of the cue won’t be damaged. The rate of success for this method is, however, quite in comparison to the other methods described in this article on how to repair a damaged cue.

Increase The Bent Area Temperature

If the bent region is too thick to straighten using the Jacoby instrument or by hand it is necessary to increase the temperature in the area. The heating process will cause the area to expand and become soft enough to use pressure to straighten the cue that is warped. A warm, damp towel could actually aid in swelling the cue without risk.

After you have finished fixing the cue, ensure that the cue is dried. I’ve gone over in detail the ways moisture can damage straight cues in a different blog. If you’re not able to dry your stick quickly, the cue may warp more quickly this time.

Tie The Stick With Something Straight

If you own an antique pipe in your home, or something you’re certain of being straight you can attach the cue to it. Depending on how tightly you’ve tied the cue to the object, it will soon be straightened. Personally, I would not suggest this method as when done improperly, it could cause the cue to bend instead of fixing it.

Suspend The Cue

Another technique you can employ is to use gravitational force of the cue to make it straighter. All you have to do is hang or suspend the cue in a vertical position. Let the cue hang for a couple of days if you wish it to be reliant entirely on itself. If you require faster results, you can add some weights to the cue.

The weight must be suspended, too. This will swiftly straighten the cue when the cue bends the softer area. If the cue is slightly bent near the butt, this method won’t perform.


It is essential to ensure that you take proper care with your cue stick. Understanding what causes a cue to become damaged will help you safeguard your cues in the future and help you avoid looking for ways to fix a damaged cue for pool. 

A tough case could keep you from searching for these solutions. If you can, purchase a an excellent cues for pool. The best companies offer an unlimited warranty against warpage. Make it an investment, and keep it as a hobby to store your cues for pool in a box.

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